
SERVICE DOGS - Why are FAKE Service Dogs Such a Problem

SERVICE DOGS - Why are FAKE Service Dogs Such a Problem A REAL Service DOG is a dog that is professionally trained to provide a service to someone who is handicapped. What is a SERVICE DOG? This is an important question because now a days there are so many FAKE service dogs. Anyone who wants to bring their pet dog on a plane, in a store or to a restaurant will go online and get FAKE Service dog credentials and vests and pass their dogs off as SERVICE DOGS.

This poses a huge problem for REAL SERVICE DOGS. In this video I interview DEREK who really needs a service dog to live his life. You'll meet Tonka who was trained as a service dog by Canine Companions. THIS IS A REAL SERVICE DOG.

Listen to Derek's story why he really needs a service dog, how this dog changes his life and gives him the freedom he deserves. FAKE service dogs put people like Derek and his dog at risk. This is a serious problem that needs to be understood.

If you need a REAL SERVICE dog you need to make sure the dog was bred and trained to be a real service dog, not just a pet dog that you slap a vest on and pawn it off as a service dog.

#servicedog #realservicedog #fakeservicedogs

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