
Are you going to let the TROLLS rule your world in 2020? 😈

Are you going to let the TROLLS rule your world in 2020? 😈 Now that I’ve got your attention… 👀
Let me ask you…
How many times have you heard - over and over again - you MUST use video? If you’re reflecting on the good, the bad or the indifferent of 2019 then you are likely also creating your vision for 2020…
Here’s a secret…
One of the single greatest challenges that holds people back from GROWTH is not doing things that we know will work because of what others might think or say to us or about us…
We don’t do follow up because we may experience rejection…
We don’t prospect because we may experience rejection…
We don’t DO VIDEO because we are afraid of what people might say or think and we are afraid of that judgement…
Even worse, our own self judgement…
Are you going to continue to allow the opinions of others hold you back from the things that you desire? The things that you dream about in your personal and professional life?
If taking a look back on 2019, I’d take the risk and say the activities that would really move the needle, the things that you didn’t do, because of your fear of the TROLL…
What that TROLL thinks is none of your business…
And here’s thing…
When you start to get TROLLED, congratulations, you are finally putting yourself out there at a high level.
You didn’t really think that everyone was going to like you or your message, did you?
Be realistic with yourself and with your expectations - that’s the first step.
You don’t have to be perfect, you just need to get going…


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