
On the Grounds of Africa 2020 UPDATE

On the Grounds of Africa 2020 UPDATE Highlights our humanitarian work during our annual trip to Ethiopia. Included in the video, you'll see footage from our latest program, the Female Entrepreneurs Initiative. This program provides the seed money for HIV positive women who are taking back their lives and choosing to thrive in a world where there are often isolated and ostracized. It's an honor to partner with ladies I deeply respect and admire for their perseverance and determination. They have small businesses where they sell items such as coffee, injera (Ethiopian bread), pajamas and cosmetics. What I admire most about these women is that they haven't given up on life and haven't lost their Joy!

Other programs include our Preschool Feeding Program that feeds 120 children 2 meals a day 5 days a week. This year for the first time, IGO purchased SHOES for our preschoolers and parents were overwhelmed with gratitude. Our Sponsorship and Nurturing Program consist of 250 primary and secondary students, some of whom have been in IGO's program for 9 years and others who are as recent as last month. Many children in this program have lost parents, mostly to AIDS and several are HIV positive. It's critical for these children to eat properly and take their anti-viral medication to keep the virus from getting worse.

For the first time this year we purchased DICTIONARIES for the children since many of them stressed that this would improve their grades. The children also received new backpacks, clothing, treats and a special card with a photo highlighting all the people that attend IGO's local fundraiser (Walk for Humanity) to show their love and support.

Lastly, our Student Empowerment Initiative sponsors 200 colleges students who attend 4 different universities in Ethiopia. A few of the students also attend local colleges and trade schools. IGO provides a monthly stipend to help students purchase extra food, school supplies, hygiene items and sanitary pad for the girls. Since we support those who are in dire need of help, many of these students would not have the resources to finish college had it not been for this program. Since starting this initiative a few years ago, over 35 of our students have graduated from college including 2 doctors.


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