
Industry Update: The Bull Market for Advisors, Where They’re Moving to and Why

Industry Update: The Bull Market for Advisors, Where They’re Moving to and Why The 10-minute download that takes a broader look at what’s going on in the wealth management world and the impact on an advisor’s business.

In this episode, Mindy Diamond explores the industry landscape as a “continuum,” recent data on advisor movement and its impact on:

• Where advisors are going—and how movement is fueling the evolution of the landscape.

• The flow towards regionals and boutiques—and why these firms are winning the race for top talent.

• The movement of the “advisor elite”—and how that serves as a barometer for the wealth management industry at large.

It’s 10-minutes of insights with value for all advisors—just what you need to know to see your way forward clearly and thoughtfully.

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financial advisors,careers,independence for advisors,Registered Investment advisor,RIA,IBD,Independent Investment Advisor,wealth management careers,career advice for financial advisors,

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