
You Ask, I Answer: Ethical Use of AI in Marketing?

You Ask, I Answer: Ethical Use of AI in Marketing? Paul asks, "What can marketers do to ensure the ethical use of AI in their marketing?"

Ethics isn't something machines understand. They're still fundamentally calculators at their core, no matter how sophisticated the AI, and a calculator is nonmoral, non-ethical. They're tools, so the burden of ethics is on the users of the tools. If your company behaves unethically with data and systems now, it will do so with AI, and the most ethical thing you can do is steer that company away from AI entirely, or avoid working there.

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AI,artificial intelligence,machine learning,autonomous,robotics,thinking machines,deep learning,neural networks,reinforcement networks,adversarial networks,tensorflow,Watson,IBM Watson,chat bots,chatbots,customer service,customer experience,IBM Analytics,IBM,IBM Watson Studio,natural language processing,nlp,

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