
Features Of Benefits Of Meditation That Make Everyone Love It | 2019

Features Of Benefits Of Meditation That Make Everyone Love It | 2019 Check the description to know more in Detail

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Simple Rules
• Break away from distractions. Turn off the outside electrical/technological intrusions like phones, computers, TV's etc.
• Posture is important in that you must be comfortable. Preferably this is with your back upright and your spine to you head straight.
• Close your eyes gently, relax your jaw and facial muscles. Do a "body scan" looking for any muscle tension that may exist releasing any found.
• Pausing momentarily at the end of each in and out breath. Focus on the feeling and sounds during the entire cycle.
• Activate the heart-mind connection which provides an initial thought-clearing mode. Do not attempt to suppress these thoughts.
• Steadily and incrementally increase the time duration spent in your practice.

Eleven Benefits of Meditating Daily
• Your life becomes significantly clearer and calm
• Your blood pressure is lowered
• People around you enjoy your company
• Your connection with God is strengthened
• You achieve several hours of sleep in one 20 minute meditation session
• Problems that seemed very difficult suddenly have clear solutions
• Your productivity sky rockets because of your ability to have clear focus
• Your life expectancy increases
• You effectively reduce stress in your life
• You can visualize powerfully when combined with positive affirmations and meditation
• You feel fantastic throughout your day!

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