
''Count To Twenty'' by Zoroa GD | Geometry Dash [2.11]

''Count To Twenty'' by Zoroa GD | Geometry Dash [2.11] Today we have a level that I did not expect to be released, a sequel to one of my favorite levels to come out in recent months, count to ten. Zoroa GD comes with a more refined, yet minimalist approach to this level, as opposed to the original, which had all the crazy effects and colors. The level being almost completely in black and white, he has to rely on movement, animations and effects to make the level stand out like the first one, and I think it was accomplished. Even though Count to Twenty is just over a minute long, the gameplay elements that Zoroa implemented, combining vertical and horizontal gameplay, makes the level very enjoyable and replayable. Overall this level is a welcome surprise, and this is probably my favorite Zoroa level.


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