
This filmmaker made a feature film ENTIRELY alone!

This filmmaker made a feature film ENTIRELY alone!

Here are the links to Joels pages for youtube and patreon. The Link to youtube goes directly to Island! Check it out and come back and tell me what you thought of it! If you would like to watch a full interview that goes up tonight! It will be on my five dollar film school patreon. Hopefully me and joel made something that is productive and interesting to the film community. We cover the topics of making a improv feature film, distribution, and a few other things!

This filmmaker made a feature film ENTIRELY alone!,making a feature film,making a film,making a movie,movie making,feature filmmaking,feature film,cinematography,acting,922 films,five dollar film school,Joel Haver,Island feature film,Island Joel haver,feature film making,short filmmaking,chlorine,chlorine feature film,making a movie alone,interview,feature filmmaking interview,making a movie for no money,no budget filmmaking,micro budget movie making,

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