
You've Already Got It! - Session 4 - Andrew Wommack

You've Already Got It! - Session 4 - Andrew Wommack ou can learn more and order this product here:

Most Christians believe that God can do anything, and many believe that He has made promises to heal, deliver, bless, and prosper His children. But some of these same believers find themselves unable to reconcile the Word with what they experience. They live in frustration or disillusionment, wondering why God’s promises don’t seem to be working for them. But God is no respecter of persons (Rom. 2:11). What He has done for one, He’s done for all.

With Andrew’s You've Already Got It! teaching, you’ll learn how to go from frustration to fulfillment in your relationship with God and His promises. The truth is, you’re not waiting on God to bless you. He has already done it!

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00:30 Welcome to our Thursday's broadcast of The Gospel Truth.
03:18 In the 10th chapter, the devil actually assigned a prince of Persia, a demonic power, that hindered the messenger that was coming to answer Daniel's prayers for 21 days.
10:09 So I'm saying through all of this that God doesn't just supply your need out of the air. When you are believing for finances, finances is a human institution. People are involved in it and people are going to be used by God.
12:59 And when she said that, I thought, God, you were faithful.
17:00 Immediately people's confidence and faith in media ministers was shaken and they quit giving and my income tanked. It went down 40%;

Buddy Harrison,Harrison House Publishers,God,Jesus Christ,Andrew Wommack,Kenneth Coepland,Joel Osteen,Pray,Praise,Nonprofits,Rick Renner,Greg Fritz,Gospel truth,Christian,Preaching,Christian Courses,Beth Jones,Joseph Prince,Osteen Ministries,

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