
SmithFitPT | Guided Hike - Historic Railroad Tunnel Trail (Hoover Dam)

SmithFitPT | Guided Hike - Historic Railroad Tunnel Trail (Hoover Dam) PROMO VIDEO: Guided Hike - Historic Railroad Tunnel Trail

This is a guided hike through the historic railroad tunnels that helped establish the Hoover Dam in the 1930s. There are a total of 5 tunnels, and a long trail that leads to the Hoover Dam.

Historic Railroad Tunnel Trail (+Hoover Dam)
(3.4 miles [9.2 Miles to Hoover Dam and back], Rating: Easy)
Boulder City, Nevada

Guided hikes are always recommended.
For your safety, DO NOT hike alone. Always tell someone where you are hiking, and bring plenty of water. Southern Nevada experiences extreme temperatures in the summer, and many trails do not provide shade. When encountering wildlife, please do not touch or harass the wildlife. Many wild animals can be extremely dangerous despite their perceived docile temperament. Please do not litter or deface any trials or artifacts.

For more information or to schedule a guided hike,

Guided Hike,Hiking,Trail,Nature,Lake,Lake Mead,Las Vegas,Nevada,Scenery,View,Railroad,Tunnel,History,Historic,SmithFitPT,Dan Smith,Personal Training,Fitness,Health,Exercise,Outside,Tour,Hoover Dam,Group,Travel,Sight See,Things To Do,Safety,Hike,Outdoors,Adventure,

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