
I found a hidden camera in the bathroom

I found a hidden camera in the bathroom Hey Everybody! My name is Nicole, I am fifteen and the story I am about to tell you is very, VERY, disturbing. Grandma once told me that you never really know people and that the biggest disappointments come from people we least expect. She was a really wise old lady. And you should too. Well, not my actual grandma, just this quote that she said. Anyways let me tell you my story.
My family is very poor. My Dad is an electrician and mom works in a public school kitchen. I also have two younger brothers, Luke and Chris. They Both seven. We dont have a lot of things besides you know the essentials to live. Beds, kitchen, roof, and a bathroom. Yeap, one bathroom for five people. Our mornings are em dizasterest. Usually, people feel sorry for me when they find out, which seems kinda stupid to me. I dont need your pay because my family is poor or whatever.
Anyways i decided to pick up a job, so I was working at a twenty four hours convenient store near my house for the last year. I go after school to help with you know the house sample stuff. Its not a lot of money, but anything helps. My parents wanted me to quite and stay focused on my studies. But how could I do that when I know they have hard time putting food on the table.
My Moms job pays awful and dads depends on the week. Sometimes he is really busy and gets paid good, so he takes us out for dinner. To Arbys yeah. I know The rest of the time, well its not that nice.
Thank God that none of us suffer from a disease like diabetes or cancer. Because medical Treatments stuff like its just really expensive and we cant even afford any insurance. Maybe God made us healthier because he knew that we couldnt afford being sick.
Anyways A few weeks ago something really unusual happened. Dad came home with presents for all of us. He bought a Nintendo Switch for my brothers, a dress for mom and a laptop for me to keep focused on getting good grades according to him. We were all really happy and surprised for a few minutes. But Then I thought about it and wondered where did he get that all of this money.
I asked him if he had a promotion or something like that. I dont really know if electricians got promotions. But He said that he had a new client who paid very well. And I believed him. One good night. That night we went out for dinner again, this time to a fancy restaurant. What the hell Dad? I love this new client of yours!
Weeks went by and dad kept bringing home new stuff. New TiVi, new microwave, new phones. We were all really happy with the new stuff. We were high on a materialism we never had before. But something felt odd and I couldnt get it out of my head. How can an electricians make so much money? And that fast??
One day I was moving some of my files from his computer to mine. Before his new earnings, it was the only one we had. So I was looking through my old school assignments when I found a folder called NEW JOB. Microsoft got the best to me. I tried open the file but it wouldnt. Because i guess i need to a password. ha There is something going on here! I thought.
I spoke with my friend Nate about it and he knows the way around computer and hacking. We managed to get home earlier than dad and he cracked it after a couple of minutes. Dad had a lot of folders with dates and names. And when I say a lot, I mean like forty or fifty folders. I asked him to make a copy because I wanted to check them out later on my computer. I didnt know what was in and I wasnt let him see it. Thank God I made that decision.
That night I finally got the courage to watch what was inside. And I never imagined what I would find. There were videos of me naked, showering to be more specific. Every folder, a video, and an invoice He was selling those videos. Thats where the money was coming from! There were even videos of me masturbating in a shower. That sold for three thouthand dollars. This is insane! My own freaking father!
He installed a hidden camera in the bathroom to record me! I am devastated. How can my dad do that? There is no excuse for this! If you recorded and sent them, that means he also had to watch them. There is no way he could know I was going to please myself. My dad is disgusting
And I have no idea what to do. I mean, now we live better lifes than before and we have more money then we ever had and I want my brothers to grow up with things I never had. And i guess some kinda helping, right? Maybe had just Should say anything?
I dont want to be exposed like that and I dont want to be poor either! Is there anybody I can talk to? Please somebody let me know what to do.

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