
Employ the LAW OF SHARED FAVORS an enjoy More Listing, Selling and Success.

Employ the LAW OF SHARED FAVORS an enjoy More Listing, Selling and Success. Employ and Enjoy the Natural Law of Shared Favors To Earn More Sales, Listings and Success🎟

“Nothing will work unless you do.” ~ Maya Angelou

Congratulations! People view you as an expert!

You know correct is happening.

You know, because people are picking up their phones, dialing your number, and asking you for expert answers and solutions to their burning questions and unsolved problems.

🙋🏻‍What’s the deal with mortgage rates?
🙋🏼‍♀Should I refinance?
🙋🏻‍We’re sweatin’ like swine over here. I need digits for an A/C dude, not some ex-convict; I need someone who knows what they’re doin’. Someone who will drop whatever they’re workin’ on and haul ass over here to fix this broken piece of crap.
🙋🏼‍♀I’m getting hosed. These bloodsuckers can’t get away with this. I want to protest my property tax and slap-the-stupid out of city hall. How do I do that?
🙋🏻‍A “For Sale” sign just went up down the street. Can you tell me what they’re asking?

And other run-of-the-mill and quirky kinds of questions. Questions that only a plugged-in, kick-ass real estate agent would know the answer to. Which is why they call you.

Hallelujahs are in order. All your sweaty Top of Mind Awareness work is paying off. You’re not chasing, stalking, or selling anybody. People are calling you direct. Beautiful✨

To read about how to turn these GO TO calls into more sales, listing and success click HERE:

Harness the power of Shared Favors and WIN more.

Thanks and Best Wishes. If I can be helpful let me hear from you.

Ken Brand | Broker | Mastery In Real Estate | 832-797-1779


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