
Car Dealers -MUST WATCH Your reputation is at stake !

Car Dealers -MUST WATCH Your reputation is at stake ! Dealers, we have a problem! This automotive sales thought of the day was supposed to be about the Positive contributions and benefits auto dealers provide to the public…however, I am sorry to inform you I won’t be able to deliver on that topic today.

You see, I wanted to highlight how dealers help their communities by creating:

• Employment opportunities
• County, City, and State taxes
• Donating their time, vehicles & money to local, regional, and national causes

And then there’s all the capital and risk they shoulder in acquiring vehicles, reconditioning them, advertising and displaying them…and like fruit, if they don’t sell them quick enough, the go bad and start to depreciate and could eventually end up losing them money. So upon researching for this video, I did what everyone in the 21st century does, I went to Youtube, Yahoo, and Google.

I wanted to get some real life dealer stories on these subjects, but when I typed the "Positive contributions and benefits auto dealers provide to the public" in a search engine, the results were alarming. I could not find a single story that was neutral toward dealers until page 8,

Now I understand prior to the internet there were some serious inefficiencies in the automotive market which lead a poor image for car dealers, but it’s 2020. When it comes to pricing information, it’s now a very efficient market.

And I was searching for positive information, not secrets revealed.

There is a reason why a video titled How Car Dealerships Rip You Off has 6.5 million views… just like the nightly news, people are draw to the negative stores and 95% of what they report is so depressing.
We can change this, but we have to be proactive. Since society is draw to the "car wreck", we must be deliberate in highlighting all the worthy deeds our dealers do for the public.

I will take the task on, but I need you to help me get the word out by liking and sharing this message with every dealer, vendor, and friends asking them to message me positive stories, links, and other content of dealers who are making progressive changes and contributing to their communities.
Let’s not let one former car sales person with an iphone get 6.5 Million views.

We can band together 16,723 franchised dealer to let the public know all the good you do for the economy. So hit the like, share this video and leave some positive comments and stories!

*****Don't click unless you want to get better in sales-

Dealer Repuation,Positive Reviews,Automotive Dealers,Automotive,Car Dealers,Car Dealerships,Reputation Managment,Dealer Reviews,Dealer Rater, Dealer Reviews,Automotive News,Reviews,Dealer Scams,

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