
40 Inspirational Walking Quotes | 6 Ways Inspirational Quotes Can Change Your Day for the Better

40 Inspirational Walking Quotes | 6 Ways Inspirational Quotes Can Change Your Day for the Better Read the full article:
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Motivational Walking Quotes
A powerful inspirational quote may be just the thing you need to get out the door and take that first step. Write it down and post it where you can read it often throughout the day.

Sometimes all it takes is just a well-thought-out quote or aphorism to inspire and remind yourself you have what it take to succeed and reach your destination. An inspirational quote can give you the needed boost to energize your mindset.

6 Ways Inspirational Quotes Can Change Your Day for the Better
Positive inspirational quotes lessen the impact of a negative experience. Use a positive inspirational quote can put things in perspective.
A go-to quote can give you that needed lift. My mom always used Robert Schuller’s quote, “Tough times don’t last, but tough people do.” In fact, she said it so often that I thought she made it up! Let’s face it, everyone will face tough times, whether physical, emotional, financial or whatever. For me, having this go-to quote puts the breaks on my negative emotions spinning out of control
You’re not alone: Inspiration quotes remind us that the thoughts we have are a common experience felt throughout the ages. Your current emotion has been felt, discussed, and written about by others.
Learning opportunities: There is nothing we can’t learn from. Seek out quotes on various topics.
Keep you grounded: Inspirational quotes give a sense of the greater world around us. The thoughts and ideas of others give us wealth beyond money and bring us back to what is important.
Give perspective: Picking up from the previous point, inspirational quotes help us get over the personal setbacks - from illness, loss, or a lack of confidence - we experience from time to time. By making it a habit of reading and writing down your favorite quotes, you can mitigate those down- times.

Walking and Using Inspirational Quotes
“All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Before your next walk… pick a quote from the list and … think on it!
Put it on your smartphone notes app and read it back to yourself several times during the walk.
Record what thoughts and feelings get triggered by the quote.

You don’t need to spend every second of your walk totally immersed with this quote. I’ve found that just “putting it out there” in my consciousness will trigger something at some point during the walk. Often times at the very end of the walk my “breakthrough” insight comes to me. I immediately record my thoughts into my notes app.

Additional ideas for using quotes throughout your day:
Print out quotes and post them around your house, job, and even your car.
Create a quote book. Every day I physically write down a quote that I find inspiring. I get more satisfaction with writing the quote out longhand rather than typing or copy/paste.
Added bonus, you get an opportunity to improve your handwriting!
Take every opportunity to share your quotes… use them in conversation.
Spread the joy - I’ve printed my favorites onto business cards using my home printer and blank card stock from Staples. I’ve handed them out to dozens of people in need of an inspirational boost.

Use these 40 uplifting and motivating inspirational quotes to help you when you need the extra jolt of motivation. I’ve added my 3 favorite life quotes at the end. These get me going whenever I’m “off my game”.

Walking is man's best medicine. HIPPOCRATES

I only went out for a walk, and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in. John Muir
I am alarmed when it happens that I have walked a mile into the woods bodily, without getting there in spirit. Henry David Thoreau

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. John Muir

Walking for health and fitness, the easiest way to get in shape and stay in shape. Frank Ring

Frank Ring’s 3 Go-to Life Quotes

Tough times don’t last but tough people do. Robert Schuller
I believe something wonderful is going to happen to me today
Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right. Henry Ford

Music by: Frank Ring

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