
I Prayed For My Life-Threatening Illness To Go Away ...and it did

I Prayed For My Life-Threatening Illness To Go Away ...and it did Hey just wanted to post this testimony of what God has done in my life. To clarify for anyone who wants to know, I have 4(ish) chronic illnesses and keep getting diagnosed with more. Recently I was tested for adrenal insufficiency, which is a very serious and life-threatening condition, and it came back 100% positive. I was heartbroken. It was going to mean so many lifestyle changes for me if I wanted to live semi-healthy but I had already made so many changes to my life and feel so different from my peers. I was upset and hurt and honestly mad at God. Over the 3 days at Passion so many people were praying that the test would just come back different. That God would do a miracle. That the doctor would just call and say they were wrong and the test would be clear. I felt weak, sick, tired, and mad during the trip but on the last day ended up telling the Lord that I don’t need healing as proof that He loves me. Our relationship isn’t transnational. I’m not trying to get something from Him and then call Him good. He is just already good. He already did enough. He sent His Son and I can face anything knowing God is walking with me. I said “God I know you have a plan for me and despite my circumstances not looking good I believe your plans are good! Our relationship is based on love and I LOVE YOU.” As soon as we left Passion I got a call that my results had been wrong somehow and I had to come back for more tests because everyone was confused. My test results just came back and I 100% DONT HAVE ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY. I FULLY BELIEVE GOD DID THAT. He was all over the situation. He was my only source of strength and for reasons I will never be able to comprehend or explain He took it away. Y’all. My life has been such a series of mountains in my way. And this time I cried out to the Lord in love and He moved it. HE IS GOOD.


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