
Albert Stamate is a robot and purely boring (He talks like me. a fucking robot voice.)

Albert Stamate is a robot and purely boring (He talks like me. a fucking robot voice.) I know he says: "This video was made for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not take everything as 100% fact. Build your own ideas and thoughts and analyze what it is said or seen. Prove your idea to be right even if it seems to be
somewhat unpopular. I may personally comment and analyze the idea, and conclude it together as a community."

 but so what. not relevant. just saying his content sucks. boring trash. btw the "You Are Unique" video was really retarded.

it was about just the things that I know about.
shit that I don't care about.
and most of the time, what I said the my video is right. so yeah. just a shitty boring video.
about fucking nothing.

 "School sucks, It is stupid!" true marks of a dumb 16 year old. never be a motivational speaker and a stupid (Just A Robot Type.) commentary retard. just saying.


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