

Starting in 2021, the use of disposable paper cups will be banned at cafes and restaurants. The move is aimed at reducing the use of disposable products while promoting reusable cups, such as tumblers or mugs, which are considered eco-friendly. But they are said to be even worse than disposable cups for the environment if they remain unused. Let's find out more.
At a Seoul park, office workers gather to have a coffee break Most of them hold disposable cups.
[Soundbite] KIM HYUN-SOO, NAM KWANG-HO(OFFICE WORKERS) : "We use reusable cups in the office. But it is inconvenient to carry them during lunch time."
[Soundbite] KIM SEO-YOUNG(OFFICE WORKER) : "I already paid for disposable cups. It is better for me to use them because they are convenient."
Starting in 2021, customers will have to pay extra for all takeout containers. Or they will need to bring their own reusable cups such as tumblers. The move is part of efforts to protect the environment. But, are tumblers truly eco-friendly? A domestic environment institute calculated the amount of greenhouse gas emitted throughout the whole process to produce, use and discard cups. Tumblers emit 671 grams of greenhouse gas - up to 24 times more than disposable plastic or paper cups. The reusable option seems to be worse for the environment in the short term. However, the difference lies on how long these cups are used. The results will become completely different when they are in constant use. If one has a cup of coffee every day, disposable plastic cups emit a greater amount of greenhouse gas than reusable ones in just two weeks. Disposable paper cups take one month to do so. Reusable cups emit less greenhouse gas in the long run. In two years, such emissions drop by 33 fold, compared to plastic cups. Therefore, reusable cups are better for the environment when they remain in use.
[Soundbite] LEE YOON-HEE(INSTITUTE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION) : "Tumblers' effectiveness in reducing greenhouse gas in

KBS,News Today,

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