
TWIST OUT turned SLEEK LOW PUFF in the SHOWER | Type 4 Natural Hair | Experimental Wash Day!

TWIST OUT turned SLEEK LOW PUFF in the SHOWER | Type 4 Natural Hair | Experimental Wash Day! New videos every MON, WED & FRI @ 3PM EST!
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Hey Wonderfros! Welcome back to my corner of the YT universe! Experimental wash day coming right up! This was a "kinda" successful style! lol but I like to post my experiments and fails sometimes so you guys know my hair is not perfect! Enjoy! Peace and blessings!

#naturalhair #sleeklowbun #type4naturalhair

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Conditioner Used-
OGX Coconut Curl Conditioner-
Felicia Leatherwood Detangling Brush-
Tangle Teezer-

►Social Media◄
Join the Wonderfro Gang everywhere on the internets!
→Instagram: @evaniwithav -
→Hair Facebook: EvaniwithaV-
→Want to send me something?
PO Box #6623
Douglasville, GA 30154

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Glow by Daye Bonnet -→

Last Relaxer: February 2015
Big Chop Date: February 2016
What's your hair type? - Normal-Low Porosity, High Density (Thick Hair), Normal-Fine Coarseness, Multi-textured (Mostly Type 4 Hair/ 3c, 4a, 4b/ Kinky, Coily, Curly), Not color treated

►Featured Videos + Playlists◄
Tips for GUARANTEED Hair Growth!!! →
Reasons Why Your Hair Isn't Growing →
Natural Hair Rules I Broke →
Things I Don't Do To My Natural Hair Anymore →
Dope spray bottles? Review here! →
My Detangling Brush Review →
My Product Staples/Favorites →
Wash & Go Series 2018 →

►Tech Info◄
→Camera- Canon Rebel 80D + Sigma Lens

Natural Daylight- Free!
→Editing Software- Final Cut Pro X

FTC Disclosure: This video is not sponsored, unless otherwise stated. This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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