
Attempting to Merge Brave Lucina... (Summoning for Brave Lucina) | Fire Emblem Heroes

Attempting to Merge Brave Lucina... (Summoning for Brave Lucina) | Fire Emblem Heroes I did my best to gather these orbs to merge my favorite girl Brave Lucina... and even with this attempt...

I was unsure to post this after these results, it's not like I haven't had a summoning with similar results, it's just that I really thought I would at least get one Brave Lucina with the orbs, I was so dissapointed :'3...

On the bright side, I got to talk about some things I had forgotten to mention, so at least there is that, I also have 1 day left, so I'll try not to get too sad about me not getting Brave Lucina Merges :'(...


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