
'You Tell Me I'm Wrong, Then Prove That I'm Right' (Aron Ra Destroys God - Part 1)

'You Tell Me I'm Wrong, Then Prove That I'm Right' (Aron Ra Destroys God - Part 1) Aron's links:
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The Atheist Edge "20 Commandments"
1. Thou shall create quality content.
2. Thou shall upload regularly.
3. Thou shall have alligator skin and ignore trolls.
4. Thou shall not constantly beg for likes, subs and donations.
5. Thou shall continually strive to improve production quality.
6. Thou shall think with thy head instead of thy heart.
7. Thou shall not perpetuate drama or rumors.
8. Thou shall never delete, ban or censor opposing viewpoints.
9. Thou shall admit when you are wrong and never double down.
10. Thou shall attack the ideas, not the person.
11. Thou shall not recommend a book, article, study or a video during a discussion. You aren't explaining your point very well if you have to recommend a book. Plus, it's condescending and presumptuous.
12. "I would love to see you in a debate with _." Thou shall shut thy f***ing mouth and form an independent thought for once in your life.
13. Thou shall not bring up a separate/bigger problem to minimize or discredit the problem I was originally talking about ("whataboutism"/"thisisbiggerism").
14. Thou shall not come on my show, talk for two hours, let me spend five more hours producing the first 30 minutes of raw footage, then conclude that you think your arguments weren't strong enough and decide to pull the plug.
15. Thou shall never tell anyone to "educate yourself". If you are unwilling or unable to "educate" them, you shouldn't be having the conversation.
16. Thou shall immediately lose all credibility if you resort to name-calling.
17. Thou shall not "test" people by asking them if they are familiar with a particular concept. Arrogantly putting the other person on the spot, or purposely trying to make them look ignorant, tends to backfire spectacularly.
18. Thou shalt not send a link to an article or study without noting the page number and relevant paragraphs.
19. Thou shalt not tell a content creator they should switch to a different format, style, or set of topics. "Christians are boring, you should only interview atheists or science experts from now on." Sounds go start your own f***ing show and do exactly that.
20. [Unintentional] Offense can only be taken, never given. Clutching your pearls and fainting on your couch does nothing to strengthen your argument.

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