
How Anna Saucier Launched Her Membership Site With No Website And No Name 😮

How Anna Saucier Launched Her Membership Site With No Website And No Name 😮 How Anna Saucier Launched Her Membership Site With No Website And No Name 😮

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For 7 years, Anna Saucier struggled with infertility - accepting the fact that she may never become a mom. During that time, she became a practitioner, helping other women to naturally restore fertility.

She began teaching this method to others.

And then, in the midst of working in this field, she became pregnant! ❤️

But having children led to her own struggles - she had less and less time for work and fertility coaching. And the reality was, she wasn’t enjoying one-to-one coaching like she used to. She wanted more time with her growing family.

It was these struggles that led her to a membership site business.

She quickly realized she was giving the same content and information to people over and over again. The one-to-many model offered more flexibility and the opportunity to make a bigger impact.

She kept it simple - she had no membership site name and no website.

Just a simple email to her tiny list of 326 people casting a vision of the membership. In just 24 hours, 22 founding members signed up!

Inspired Fertility Pro has been life-changing for Anna and her family. The membership business model has totally changed her business... for the better!

She is able to serve her members regardless of where she is and on her own schedule. She has a new hope and excitement with her fertility membership site, making more impact than ever before.

👀Watch her story to learn more!

Visit Inspired Fertility Pro for more info

Learn the exact steps to build a successful membership business around what you already, know, love, and do!  Download the free guide!


Who is Stu McLaren?

Stu McLaren helps people turn what they know, love and do into recurring revenue by launching, growing and scaling high-profit, low stress membership businesses.

For the last 10 years, Stu has been working intimately with tens of thousands of membership site owners. As the former co-founder of WishList Member and now co-founder of TRIBE, Stu has been helping membership site owners in virtually every market you can think of.

From photography and calligraphy to dog training, fitness, music, health, meal plans, teacher plans, non-profit, personal development, business development and so many more!

And through it all, Stu has discovered the subtle nuances that make a BIG difference in the success of the sites that thrive vs. those that sputter.

Stu and his wife, Amy, launched a registered Canadian charity called Village Impact. Since 2009, they have been bringing education to students in rural areas of Kenya.

Follow Stu!


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