This is an "Extreme" randomized version of the game Pokemon X.
"Extreme" in this case means that almost everything is randomized. Types, Abilities, Movesets, and of course, the Pokemon are all randomized in this mode.
This mode is meant to be a difficult chaotic version of Pokemon that hopefully will be a lot of fun!
What is a Nuzlocke?
Nuzlocke Rules:
1. If a Pokemon faints it is considered dead and can no longer be used.
2. Only the first Pokemon in a route or area may be caught, with the exceptions of scripted/static encounters.
3. All Pokemon must be nicknamed if possible.
Optional Rules/Clauses:
1. Shiny Pokemon count as a bonus encounter no matter what and can be caught.
2. If I white out during a battle, I will continue by making a new team from the Pokemon in my box until I run out.
3. Dupes/Species Clause: If I encounter a Pokemon that I've alresdy caught, it does not have to count.
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Pokeball Icons made by Nikita Golubev on Flaticon