
Content Quality vs Content Quantity - Where Should You Focus Your Efforts

Content Quality vs Content Quantity - Where Should You Focus Your Efforts Today I covered content quality vs. content quantity, and which is more important for your business. Both of them are obviously important, but you need to decide whether or not the quality of your content is your main focus or if the quantity of content published is the main focus. The quality vs quantity debate in marketing and even in business is constantly happening and it can evolve over time. Should you create a large quantity of average-quality products, or should you create a small quantity of high-quality products? Now, obviously, the ideal answer is both - We would all love to have thousands of the highest-quality pieces of content published on our website tomorrow, but it is not always realistic and our overall resources come into play

I believe in quality over quantity content when you are publishing for your website. One instance where you may want to put more focus on quantity is with a brand new website where you are trying to build our your pages. You may want to create a few different articles, publish some news stories, start creating blog articles and videos around your top keywords, and understand that you can improve them over the course of time.

When it comes to your content marketing strategy, you truly need a mix of both types of content, but quality needs to be involved in everything that you do.

CONTENT: Quality vs. Quantity

The case for quality content:

1. Expertise: Quality content demonstrates expertise.

2. Google Rankings: Higher-Quality content drives more organic search traffic over time.

3. Authority: You can become a thought-leader in any niche with quality content.

Niche websites: For a niche website about marathon training for example, you should focus on quality content around your top 50-100 keywords.

B2B Content and Business websites: People are looking for comprehensive B2B content, which takes a lot of time for writing, research, and editing.

The case for quantity content:

1. More Content: You can publish 30+ pieces of content per week rather than 1-3 pieces.

2. Social Media Following and Email List Growth: Constant content and website updates can help with social + email audiences.

3. Focused Content: Create content that is focused on covering one topic.

News websites: Regardless of the news you cover, you need to focus on creating a lot of content every day.

Brand new websites: You need to start creating content - You can always refresh it and improve it over time.

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