
Cancer Love Mid Aug 2019 A Decision Must Be Made!!!

Cancer Love Mid Aug 2019 A Decision Must Be Made!!! Please Read The Description Box! Thanks!

How to book:(PLEASE DO NOT MAKE PAYMENT UNTIL YOU HAVE CONFIRMED AVAILABILITY.) Email me at to check availability. After confirmation, please submit payment using the PayPal link displayed on my channel banner and at the bottom of this page. Upon receipt of payment, you will receive a confirmation email with your "delivery by" date. Your reading will arrive via your email inbox. I use an Unlisted Youtube link only viewable by you and myself. Please allow 3 business days between your scheduled reading slot and delivery of your link!!!!!!!! No refunds unless I am unable to deliver. Thanks for booking!!!


Relationship Crossroads - $44 USD
Gives insight into how you are viewing each other, what energy is present around your relationship, past, present and future as well as advice from Spirit on what is best for all involved in the relationship

General Intuitive Reading (2 Questions) - $66 USD

Full Partnership Reading - $88 USD
Gives insight into how you are viewing each other,now and in the past, what you are afraid of, what is influencing you from the outside, what you are hoping for as an end to the situation and a projected outcome based on current energy

One Question Tarot Reading
Gives the answer to one question. 12 card max $22 USD

Link to submit payment/donate:

Social Media:
Instagram: @positive_vibesonly333

NEW!!!! Divinely Feminine Merchandise:

Summer 2019 Readings (June - August)

July 2019 Mercury Retrograde Readings (July 7 - August 24)

The Fool's Journey To Self Mastery Playlist:

August 2019 Love Readings Playlist:

August 2019 Intuitive Reading Playlist:

cancer,love,love reading,tarot reading,august 2019,

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