
Bastard Service Tree - underside of leaf close up - July 2019

Bastard Service Tree - underside of leaf close up - July 2019 This tree is a hybrid of Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) and Whitebeam (Sorbus aria) and is typically known as the Bastard service tree.

The leaves show a combination of the characters of Rowan which has pinnate leaves and Whitebeam which has simple leaves. The leaves are shiny green and deeply lobed with two pairs of free leaflets. The leaves narrow to a distinctive point at the tip and the underside of leaf is downy.

This tree has upward pointing branches.

Like Rowan and Whitebeam It produces clusters of white flowers in May. The fruits are smaller and a darker red than Rowan. Hybrids are common in the Sorbus genus and very often these hybrids are apomictic (self-fertile without pollination), so able to reproduce clonally from seed without any variation.

The seeds are often spread by birds. This has led to a very large number of microspecies, particularly in Western Europe (including Britain). This hybrid is frequently planted as a street tree.


Height: 8-10 m
Crown: ovoid / egg-shaped, dark, dense crown
Bark and branches: brown, grey
Leaf: green
Flowers: white, flowers in May
Fruits: red
Spines/thorns: none
Toxicity: non-toxic (usually)
Soil type: loamy soil, sandy soil, calcareous soil
Soil moisture: suitable for dry soil
Paving: tolerates paving
Winter hardiness zone: 5b (-26,0 to -23,4 °C)
Wind resistance: moderate
Other resistances: resistant to frost (WH 1 - 6)
Fauna tree: valuable for bees (honey plant), provides food for birds
Application: avenues and broad streets, narrow streets, parks, squares, tree containers, theme parks, cemeteries, roof gardens, large gardens
Type/shape: clearstem tree
Synonyms: Sorbus x thuringiaca

shrubs,naughty name tree,Bastard service tree,Lolly pop tree,Exeter,sorbus,Lollipoptree,Sorbus ×thuringiaca 'Fastigiata',Sorbus x thuringiaca ‘Quercifolia’,nature,Bastard-service tree,Sorbus x thuringiaca,plants,trees,Lollipop tree,Lollypoptree,Bastard tree,

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