
Many in the media are trying to 'change the definition of Aboriginal'

Many in the media are trying to 'change the definition of Aboriginal' Many traditional owners have “had enough” of people pretending to have Aboriginal ancestry in order to game the system, according to Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

Veteran activist and author Stephen Hagan, and Ann Weldon told The Australian newspaper this week they have noticed a rise in the number of people claiming to be Indigenous in order to gain benefits or favourable treatment.

Mr Bolt said this has been exacerbated by a recent High Court ruling that found Indigenous people can never be considered ‘alien’ for deportation purposes, even if they are foreign nationals.

The Sky News host said in light of the concerns raised by Indigenous elders, more journalists should investigate the possibility of fraudulent ancestral claims.

He said it's telling that no ABC journalist in particular has investigated this topic, and seem comfortable with changing "the very definition of what is Aboriginal".


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