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Ever wonder how your favorite rides were built? Check out Behind the Ride: How Disney Imagineers Deliver the Magic on Amazon by David Mumpower. Find it here -
Dreaming of Living near Disney World? Realtor Victor Nawrocki makes it a reality! He specializes in all communities surrounding Disney! Go to: or to discuss your future plans!
Be sure to check out DoleWhipDad on YouTube! Jeff interviews Disney Creators every Sunday evening at 9 pm Eastern/6 pm Pacific, on a show he calls DisTube. Be sure to check out his channel & Subscribe!
Corner Sports Store - Established in 1980, this Full Service Sports Store will hook you up with matching shirts or hats for your next Disney Trip!! Go to for more information!!
Calling all Disney fans that love to create a little bit of magic at home! Be sure to check out TeamMould on YouTube! They love creating DIY projects and crafts that anyone can make that are inspired by the parks, rides, and their favorite place to travel! We will have 'Live craft with us' events coming soon! Please visit their channel and subscribe!
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