In this video, I'm showing you a very simple tutorial on how to do a no makeup makeup look. It's super easy, a lot of options you can do or skip based on your personal preference and this is the beauty of makeup. Keep watching and let me know in the comments if this is helpful ;)
⋆S O C I A L M E D I A⋆
INSTAGRAM: @beautydenhm
TWITTER: @beautydenhm
⋆P R O D U C T S U S E D⋆
L'OREAL Infallible 24H Fresh Wear Foundation Face Form Contouring and Blush Palette
NIKKIA JOY COSMETICS Velvet Finishing Powder Exposed Cheeks Palette
CHARLOTTE TILBURY Matte Revolution Lipstick (Very Victoria)
Royalty free music from
Background photo created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com
Please contact: meheisenh@gmail.com
⋆W H O AM I?⋆
I am an Egyptian girl. Self-taught. Makeup is my passion. I am definitely NOT a certified makeup artist. I just love makeup and beauty products.
Here on my channel you will find honest reviews and recommendations of makeup and beauty products. Also, you will find some tips and tricks of how to apply makeup and how to make it stay in place all day.
I am a normal-dry skin type so that will be my main focus.
I am very open to any suggestions or recommendations you guys would like to lay on me.