1. Shiny Celebi ( Not in the Video But Added in the Giveaway)
2. Shiny Jirachi
3. Shiny Mew
4. Shiny Mewtwo
5. Shiny Necrozma
6. Solgaleo
7. Zeroara
8. Marshadow
Note: All Pokemons in the Giveaway are Legit and Event.
Im going to do this Giveaway when i reach 250 Subscribes on My Youtube Channel
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Dont Forget to Like and Follow my Facebook page or Twitter page for the notifications of how to enter it in giveaway (will be posted soon).
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Like and Follow me on my Facebook And Twitter Page for Notifications of All Future Giveaways and Videos.
Thanks For All Of Your Support and I will do more Shinies,Different Gmax Shinies and much more Giveaway So Stay Tuned.