Healthy males and females with sexual orientation have different body and character traits and perform different activities.
This is why men have testosterone which increases their muscle size and women have estrogen which increases their fat size.
Men need and healthy men use this muscle to build homes and food cultures, mentain and repair these, build manly tools and finances.
Women need fat and fragility to build smaller, aesthetic stuff, to clean, arrange, design and administer the property and finances.
That's why women naturally spend and men naturally save.
Whenever these roles are performed for someone else, it still has a sexual meaning to it, because all activities are performed by energy expenditure and energy we get from food. All food with caloric energy leaves a sexual imprint on our soul and body, through hormones and indirect stimulation of clitoris, penis, g-spot, prostate glands when peeing and pooing.
That's why I can only trade indirectly sexual photos and videos and real time such as lingerie photos and videos, healing and lifestyle, nutrition and exercise advice, and whatever sexually indirect content I produce.
Direct sexual behaviour meaning exposing my genitals and sexual stimulation is reserved to my (future) husband, who is going to provide me with housing, garden, food and all necessary finances to live a beautiful life.
Thank you for your understanding, hope I made my message clear!