
A Chosen Instrument - March 8, 2020

A Chosen Instrument - March 8, 2020 A Chosen Instrument
Acts 9:10-19
March 8, 2020

The Big Picture:

Ananias is told that Saul is a chosen instrument. But Ananias is also a chosen instrument in his ministry to Saul. Saul was a chosen instrument
to take Christianity to "Gentiles, kings, and Israelites." In fact, every Christian is a chosen instrument to carry out the particular mission
for which he or she has been called and equipped. As we are faithful, the great work of the Church is accomplished.

I. Radican Servants -- vv.10-14
A. Sent as a Change Agent
B. Ready to Face Danger
C. Called to be Courageous

II. The Power of One -- vv.15-17
A. One Ministers to One
B. One Changes One
C. One Prepares One

III. The Radically Redefined Life -- vv.18-19
A. Healed
B. Baptized
C. Sanctified

Where Do We Go from Here?

"Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ." -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer


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