
With Brexit done it is time to deliver promised points-based immigration system and take back contro

With Brexit done it is time to deliver promised points-based immigration system and take back contro Thanks for watching my video.
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Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use ( WHEN we left the EU, Britain finally seized back our independence.  This Government promised to get Brexit done and we delivered.  But that wasn’t our only promise you overwhelmingly backed at the ballot box.  We also promised to deliver a points-based immigration system that delivers for the whole of the United Kingdom and this week we will set out plans do just that.  On Friday, the new Cabinet backed mine and the Prime Minister’s vision to take back control of who comes to this country.  We agreed a radical, new, firm but fair system that rewards the skills people have to offer, not where they come from.  Sun on Sunday readers have been with us on this journey.  And I can make another promise, that you will finally have an immigration system that works in the interests of our country.  For too long firms have relied on cheap, foreign low-skilled labour rather than investing in our workers.  They have exploited free movement to undercut you, taking away jobs and driving down wages.  For too long we were powerless to help, shackled by Europe and forced to be rule-takers. Ending free movement changes all that.  The Government has listened to the clear message from the 2016 referendum and the 2019 General Election that the public wants a reduction in low-skilled immigration. TURN OFF TAP OF CHEAP LABOUR  We want to see overall numbers down and this new system will deliver. Our new immigration system will turn off the tap of cheap, foreign low-skilled labour.  Workers coming to the UK will have to prove they have something to offer.  We are not closing our doors, but we will finally be able to choose who comes through them.  We will attract the top talent from anywhere in the world.  Allowing us to attract the brightest and the best from around the globe who will help our economy to thrive.  From next year, all skilled workers will need to earn enough points to work in the UK.  They will need to speak English, have a firm job offer, and meet the salary requirements.  Extra points will be awarded to people who have the most to offer, including those working in a profession where there is a real skills shortage.  We will continue to monitor – through expert advisers – if there are shortages and gaps to be filled.  For those coming to work in our NHS and schools, points will be awarded in line with pay scales for their professions.  This is only the beginning, and this week we will set out our plans to go even further with a system to deliver the reforms you want.  For the first time in decades, the UK will have control over who comes to our great country and how our immigration system works.  We’ve got Brexit done, now we’re moving on to focus on the people’s other priorities.  We promised to unleash our country’s fu

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