
ULTIMATE Oblique Sling Chest Press with Dead Bug Foam Protocol & Eccentric Isometrics

ULTIMATE Oblique Sling Chest Press with Dead Bug Foam Protocol & Eccentric Isometrics Here I’m performing a unique Oblique Sling Chest Press by combining the dead bug protocol with a foam roller. Here’s how this works.

Essentially we’re recruiting the entire myofascial slings of both anterior & posterior oblique slings. As the lifter aggressively drives their knee & arm into the foam roller with 90 deg hip flexion this not only fires the opposite hip flexor contralateral to the pressing arm, but also the lat & tricep contralateral to the extended leg. As a result the chest, anterior deltoid, hip flexor, adductors, abs, & obliques on contralateral sides of the body are maximally recruited thereby engaging the entire anterior oblique sling.

Similarly the lat, tricep, glute max, glute med, & lumbar extensors on contralateral sides are fully taxed thereby engaging the entire posterior oblique sling. As a result just about every large muscle throughout the kinetic chain is recruited. Additionally the abs, core, & spinal stabilizers are also working overtime as the oblique slings are responsible for transferring load or force across multiple joints particularly from the upper torso to the lower body & vice versa. In essence these forces cross through the core musculature. More on oblique slings in full article at

On a side note if you haven’t had a chance to check out the Yoga & mobility, article I recently posted I highly recommend doing so. In fact I had quite a few expert yoga instructors reach out telling me how much they agreed with the article.

For instance Michaelle Edwards (from Yogalign) one of the yoga experts I reference in the article reached out with very complimentary words stating “I agree with all referenced about the extreme ranges of motion in yoga leading to joint inflammation & less overall mobility”. In fact because yoga is not regulated, Michaelle is collecting evidence in a survey regarding yoga injuries & the types of poses that are causing it. For those who are interested please fill out this survey as these results will go towards helping produce data that will potentially help thousands of folks avoid injury. Link at

strength training,workouts,workout,fitness,chest press,chest,chest day,chest workout,resistance training,powerlifting,exercise,bodybuilding,strength,core,core stability,oblique slings,abs,core workout,foam roller,dumbbell chest press,

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