
Trump's Betrayal: FBI equates White Advocates with ISIS

Trump's Betrayal:  FBI equates White Advocates with ISIS The FBI under Donald Trump has now openly betrayed its 95% white voter base by equating people who are concerned with providing a future for White children with I.S.I.S. terrorists. No, we're not joking. They openly use the terms "White Nationalist" (so, you better quit calling yourself that and switch to White Advocate!) and "Neo Nazis". That is anyone who is against removing Robert E. Lee's statue as per the false story peddled by the (((media))) about Charlottesville. They openly talk infiltrating "cells". That means the FBI undercover agent will be the one to suggest illegal activity and wait for you to nod your head in approval. They will be cutting back on real crime prevention like drug importation, child rape networks, etc, MS-13, etc to go after normal people who want a future for their children and grandchildren. But they are not ready to go after people like Jason Kohne (please buy his book GO FREE 2nd ed) who talks about building a White Positive Community, yet. That would trigger a PARADIGM SHIFT in the general public which they do not want at this time. Their shift in priorities to us signals that we are growing worldwide and they are scared shitless. Keep up the great work everyone! Keep it legal! Put out those Flyers! They already see their ANTI-WHITE coalition of black, latino, jew, muslim, LGBT etc falling apart and turning on each other. To be made Public Domestic Enemy #1 means we are having an effect. And the irony is that all these White voters thought that Donald Trump was "the great white hope". This FBI action would never have taken place under Hillary Clinton. Because Republican Congressmen would have risen in opposition. But since "their man" is doing it, they are turning a blind eye. Please see the related video called "Politics A Total Waste of Your Time if you want a future for White children" in which Jason talks about his time working in the heart of Conservatism, Inc, on Capitol Hill. These people are worse than used car salesmen. They send out their pro-white dog whistles every 4 years but behind the scenes the don't even talk about the legitimate needs of their White voter base! They're laughing all the way to their Swiss bank accounts filled with NIS (New Israeli Shekels)

Jason Kohne,Jason Koehne,NWG,No White Guilt,FBI,WN,White Nationalist,

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