
Troparion: Presentation of Our Lord

Troparion: Presentation of Our Lord This is part of the "Major Feast Day Troparia" playlist. We're an OCA parish.
This is the Presentation of Our Lord Troparion (or Meeting of Our Lord) sung by St. Mary's choir led by Dn. Gregory Ealy (recently ordained as Fr. Gregory).
St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral in Minneapolis.
October 2nd 2019, Choir Practice.

The Presentation of Christ: February 15 / February 2
Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, full of grace!
From you shone the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God.
Enlightening those who sat in darkness!
Rejoice, and be glad, O righteous elder;
You accepted in your arms the Redeemer of our souls,
Who grants us the Resurrection.

Presentation,Christ,Jesus,Temple,St. Mary’s,OCA,Orthodox,Christianity,Praise,Gospel,Prayer,God,Jesus Christ,Orthodoxy,Christian,Choir,Orthodox Christianity,Orthodox Church In America,Holy,St. Mary’s OCA,Liturgy,Liturgical Music,Lord,Hymn,Cathedral,Singing,Church,Minneapolis,Minnesota,MN,Music,Choral,A Capella,Byzantine,Our Lord,Troparion,Troparia,

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