
SymbiFace3 can also be connected to an Amstrad PCW

SymbiFace3 can also be connected to an Amstrad PCW With a fast and dirty adapter made with a piece of strip-board, some wires and two connectors(plus some re-programming of the CPLD from Hans(TMTLogic), a humble Amstrad PCW/Schneider Joyce can overcome its silence.

On the video you can see the rough adapter on first plane, and then, when the monitor is turned around, how SymbOS for PCW is already loaded.

In reality, this video is also about a new application made in QUIGS (A PC environment to write SymbOS applications) for the SymbiFace3 card.

The same "Webradio" app is opened on a PCW and an Enterprise, both loaded with SymbOS, and the same radio WEB station is heard on the two computers with a few seconds of difference.

More PCW+SF3 videos will come.....


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