
Ratana Sutta: The Jewel Discourse - Protective Chant To Ward Off Evil, Sickness, and Negativity

Ratana Sutta: The Jewel Discourse - Protective Chant To Ward Off Evil, Sickness, and Negativity I decided to chant this Paritta (Protection), in order to help those suffering in the world, especially the People of Wuhan, China, who are impacted by evil, negativity, and sickness, and death, while feeling alone and abandoned in their pain and uncertainty.

This sutta was first remembered and then chanted by Venerable Ānanda as he walked the ancient city of Vesali, India, having been instructed by the Buddha to do so, in order to ward off the negative energies impacting the city of Vesali that had been inflicted with plague, sickness, famine, and death.
May this Sutta be be recited (or played over and over again) along with its other versions available online, in order to help the people of the world and our precious planet.
- Upāsaka Candana

Ratana Sutta - In English (Courtesy of Nalanda Institute, Malaysia)

Whatever beings that are here assembled,
whether terrestrial or celestial,
may every being be happy and joyful!
And also, listen attentively to my words.

Listen here, all beings!
Shower your loving-kindness to those humans who,
day and night, bring offerings to you.
Therefore, guard them diligently.

Whatever treasures there may be,
either here or in the world beyond,
or whatever precious jewels there are in the heavens;
yet none is comparable to the Enlightened One.
In the Buddha is this precious jewel found.
On account of this truth, may there be well-being!

The tranquil Sage of the Sakyas
realized cessation, freedom from passion,
deathlessness and excellence.
There is nothing comparable to this Dhamma.
In the Dhamma is this precious jewel found.
On account of this truth, may there be well-being!

That pure concentration the Supreme Buddha praised is described as
‘concentration without interruption’.
There is nothing like that concentration.
In the Dhamma is this precious jewel found.
On account of this truth, may there be well-being!

Those eight individuals constituting four pairs,
they are praised by those at peace.
They, worthy of offerings, are the disciples of the Enlightened One,
Gifts given to them yield abundant fruit.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel found.
On account of this truth, may there be well-being!

With steadfast mind, applying themselves
thoroughly in the Dispensation of Gotama,
free of passion, they have attained to that which should be attained.
And plunging into deathlessness,
they enjoyed the Peace (Nibbāna) in absolute freedom.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel found.
On account of this truth, may there be well-being!

Just as a firm post sunk in the earth
cannot be shaken by the four winds;
I say that a righteous person who
thoroughly perceives the Noble Truths is similar to that.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel found.
On account of this truth, may there be well-being!

Those who clearly understand the Noble Truths,
well taught by Him who has profound wisdom,
do not undergo an eighth birth,
no matter how exceedingly heedless they may be.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel found.
On account of this truth, may there be well-being!

Together with his attainment of insight,
three qualities have been abandoned (by him), namely:
wrong belief in selfhood, doubt and dependence
on rites and ceremonies.
He is absolutely freed from the four states of misery,
and is incapable of commiting the six major wrong doings.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel found.
On account of this truth, may there be well-being!

He is incapable of hiding whatever evil he does,
whether by deed, word or thought;
for it has been said that such an act is
impossible for one who has seen the Path.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel found.
On account of this truth, may there be well-being!

Just like a forest crown in full blossom,
in the first month of the summer season,
so has the sublime doctrine that leads to Nibbāna been taught
for the highest good (of beings).
In the Buddha is this precious jewel found.
On account of this truth, may there be well-being!

The peerless Excellent One, the Knower, the Giver,
the Bringer of the Excellent, has expounded the sublime doctrine.
In the Buddha is this precious jewel found.
On account of this truth, may there be well-being!

Their past is extinct, a new becoming there is not,
their minds are not attached to a future birth, their desires do not grow;
those wise ones with their seeds of becoming destroyed,
go out even as this lamp does.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel found.
On account of this truth, may there be well-being!

[ Sakka’s exultation: ]
We beings that are here assembled,
whether terrestrial or celestial,
salute the Accomplished Buddha,
who is honoured by gods and men.
May there be well-being!

We beings that are here assembled,
whether terrestrial or celestial,
salute the Enlightening Dhamma,
which is honoured by gods and men.
May there be well-being!

We beings that are here assembled,
whether terrestrial or celestial,
salute the Noble Sangha,
who are honoured by gods and men.
May there be well-being!


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