
MODERN ART. How to understand it? And what about this real 'bullshit'?

MODERN ART.  How to understand it? And what about this real 'bullshit'? Some month ago I started to learn the history of the art. But for a long time I can not formulate what is modern art. And yesterday I had isight!

As you know, in the start of 20th century we had a really art revolution. Artists showed us that art it is not only about painting techniques, it s not about painting at all.
To create art - you can you whatever you want - any instruments, any techniques. And now we can see consequences - a real 'bomb' among artist and no any exactly boundaries between what is art and what is not art.

So, I think that we forgot about one very important modern factor, which also influences on what artist you will become. About this factor I will tell you in the video.

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