
Mint Skin Cleanser | Best For Oily Skin | Suitable for All Acne Conditions, Open Pores & Black Heads

Mint Skin Cleanser | Best For Oily Skin | Suitable for All Acne Conditions, Open Pores & Black Heads Improves oily skin condition while retaining its moisture. Cures acne, blackheads, whiteheads, giving smoothness to oily skin. If used in combination with Juvena's Marrow Mint face pack, Enzymatic Mask and juvena's Skin serum (Argan), Sunscreen (which has natural skin protecting factors, like Vit C, A, and turmeric with Carrot seed extract), gives dermabrasion effect to the skin, in the long run (filling up of the pits/scars, which is due to acne vulgaris or chickenpox). Extracts and oils of Laung,
Tulsi and Neelgiri make a perfect Anti-Allergic and Anti-tan formula.
We have carefully selected and preserved active natural
ingredients in this product, which have been dermatologically tested to
ensure the effectiveness with respect to your skin. Amongst the most desired product of Juvena herbals. It keeps the skin fresh all throughout the day. Oiliness and dull appearance of the skin subsides gradually


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