It Had to Happen Eventually! 100% Demigra Showcase | Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Make sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel for new content!

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Intro Music: Nahncenz – Jinxtro

Welcome to the lab for another session. For this video, we will be testing the 100% Potential of the Extreme INT Demigra showcase on the Realm of Gods category team.

Extreme INT Demigra

Max Stats: HP 14024, ATK 12478, DEF 9052

Leader Skill: Ki +3 when HP is 50% or above

Super Attack: Supreme damage, rare chance to stun the enemy

Passive Skill: High chance to stun the attacked enemy

Links: Master of Magic - Godly Power - Big Bad Bosses - Brainiacs - Revival - Fear and Faith - Xenoverse

Category: Realm of Gods - Resurrected Warriors - Time Travelers

12 Ki Multiplier is 140%



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