
I Spread A Rumor At School That I Sleep With My Teacher

I Spread A Rumor At School That I Sleep With My Teacher Hi, I'm Nate. My conscience has been constantly bothering me for almost a year. It's like a huge rock that I have to carry. The thing is, I ruined my teacher's life, and now she has to take care of her child alone... I'm so sorry I did this, and I want to confess to you.

Okay, let's start from the beginning. I was 17 years old and I'd just moved with my family to another city. I'll be honest, I was a little afraid of this. I had to say goodbye to all my friends that I had known for so long, and meet a lot of new people. That's what scared me the most. I can't call myself a sociable person. I'm an introvert, and making connections with other people was not my specialty. But nevertheless, I wanted my new classmates to treat me well, and this desire led to some terrible consequences. We had a French teacher, Miss Alice Dunn, who was incredibly attractive. She could have easily been on the cover of a magazine, but instead, she was working at our school. Needless to say, all the boys at school just swooned at the sight of her. I even heard a rumor that one guy stayed after class one day and dared to ask her out for coffee. As far as I know, he came out of the classroom pale, and all the other guys laughed at him for a long time.
"This may sound strange, but I was very lucky that my French language skills were so bad. I'll explain. The thing is, Miss Dunn knew I was in trouble and paid more attention to me. I was always very shy and blushed like a tomato when I talked to her, but believe me, deep down I was just glowing with happiness. A couple of times, she'd ask me to stay after class, and we'd talk in private. Of course, it was a conversation about studying, but still, all my classmates envied me. I must say, it gave me a little bit of pleasure. And I was even happier when Miss Dunn offered me her services as a French tutor. I did not hesitate for a second and accepted the offer. Sometimes she came to my house, sometimes we had classes at her house. We practiced a few times a week, and everything was just fine. She also asked me not to tell anyone about it, because she didn't know how the school's administrators would react to her freelance work.

My best and only friend, Rick, was at my house one day. Sometimes we would get together to play Xbox or watch a movie. That day, our tense Fortnite round was broken by the sound of the doorbell. And I was very surprised when I opened the door... Because it was Miss Dunn. I had completely forgotten that we had a session that day! She smiled and came inside, and then she saw Rick. There was a very awkward pause. I quickly hinted to my friend that he should go home, and apologized to Miss Dunn for having forgotten our lesson. Everything was OK, she just asked me to tell Rick not to tell anyone our secret. And so I did, but he didn't seem to listen to me. The next day, when I got to school and went to my locker, all the guys in our class crowded around me. They were all in a good mood, and they started making jokes about me, like I was trying to hit on Miss Dunn, by taking these extra lessons. All the guys were laughing at me, and I felt very uncomfortable. I didn't want to be the laughing stock for my classmates, so at one point I said that I had something going with our teacher. For a few seconds, all the guys just stared at me in a daze. They certainly didn`t see that coming. Then I came up with a couple of convincing details for my lie, and in a second, the crowd erupted with a loud, ""Whoa!"" They all high-fived me and told me I was cool. It looks like I had really become cool in their eyes. And I was happy with that.

But a week later, I regretted what I had said. I had no idea that rumors could spread so quickly. After a couple of days, I just walked down the hallway at school, and I noticed that people were looking at me strangely. Guys mostly winked at me and smiled, and girls usually turned away from me. Looks like the whole school found out I was having an affair with Miss Dunn. Wait, I need to clarify. A fake affair. Naturally, these rumors reached the school authorities, and soon the principal called me to his office. The conversation was short and hard. He looked at me with his stern gaze and asked if people were telling the truth about me. At that moment, I was faced with a choice. I could say I lied, and then the whole school would think I was a loser. Or I could say it was true, and then Miss Dunn would be in trouble. I couldn't have survived such a disgrace at school. After that, I would've just never left my house again...

New 2020 true story animated that actually happened!




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