
How to Stop Overthinking and Start DOING | READY. FIRE. AIM Strategy

How to Stop Overthinking and Start DOING | READY. FIRE. AIM Strategy One of the key differences between highly successful people and the rest is the way in which they approach their goals... their targets.

Having coached hundreds of clients and having studied from some of the most successful people in many fields, one characteristic I have found that stands out in the those who achieve greatness is the way in which they take action.

Most people attack their goals with a Ready. Aim. Fire mindset. This is what NOT TO DO and looks something like this

READY - they determine a target / goal that they want to achieve in life. Doesn't matter if it's money related, health, fitness, relationships, to buy a house, car, etc.

AIM - They begin learning and studying EVERYTHING they need to know about how to achieve that goal (which is a good intention- to be knowledgeable about what you are doing). This never ending quest of knowledge turns into years of reading book after book, watching interview after interview, listening to endless podcasts, etc always figuring out yet another thing they need to learn.

FIRE - After WAY TOO MUCH time spent action is finally taken-- though this becomes rare since most people live in the AIM portion-- making sure they know EVERYTHING they need to know about how to achieve their goal.

The problem with this mindset and approach is that way too much time is spent LEARNING. Don't get me wrong, learning is important and necessary. You don't want to be ignorant on your quest to success. But too many people spend TOO much time just learning and never end up taking action because they believe that they haven't learned enough yet to do something.


READY.FIRE.AIM - This is the method that will help you create greater success and quicker success. It's the method that successful people use to create momentum towards the goals that they have

READY- They pick a target that want to hit and get VERY CLEAR about what they want. Get as specific as possible. They also get a very baseline amount of knowledge or info if necessary

FIRE - They immediately take action in the direction they want to go. They aren't worried if it's the perfect strategy or the most ideal strategy, they just know it's putting them toward their target. The key here is to simply do what you think is the best decision at this time. You may find out later that you need to change your approach

AIM - Once they fire off in the direction they want to go, they asses where they land in relation to their target. Maybe they see they are a little to the left, so they adjust right. Maybe they are to the right and need to go left.

DO YOU SEE THE KEY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO STRATEGIES? The difference is that most people spend all their time trying to figure out everything that they need to know in order to begin heading towards their goals and get stuck in Paralysis by Analysis mode. Most never actually take action because they are so busy always learning...

SUCCESSFUL people, those who tend to achieve their goals, pick a goal, do something that they feel will take them in the right direction and then keep reassessing as they go along. They continue to find better strategies and tactics to help them get closer to their goal and the target.


SUCCESS HACK: How I Started Achieving My Goals FASTER | READY. FIRE. AIM | GOAL SETTING,success hack,ready fire aim,financial freedom,achieve goals faster,shaun surgener,goal setting hacks,personal finance,how to achieve,how to achieve your goals 2020,how to set goals for 2020,money hacks,how to get what you want in life,ready aim fire,ready aim fire goals,how to achieve anything faster,life hacks 2020,goal setting,surge effect,success mindset 2020,

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