
Camper Update: getting the cigarette stains and smell out!

Camper Update: getting the cigarette stains and smell out! Cigarette stains and smells are no joke! Ultimately what we found to work was a solution of water (1 gallon) mixed with a tablespoon or so of Dawn dish soap and 1/4 cup of Borax powder. Mixed it up and went to town on the walls and surfaces with a rag. It definitely took putting some muscle behind it, but we got a lot of the stain/smells off the surfaces. Enough to start putting up a primer at least (next video!).

Also, an update: we were able to get the paint off the window! At least the big one. We've got small rectangular windows on each side that have a textured plastic-y layer on the inside that have been painted over. It's not as easy to work the paint out of whatever the plastic layer is. Next step, paint thinner with a respirator!


Aristocrat Camper,Vintage camper,camper restoration,smoke smell,cigarette smell,deep cleaning,

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