You must be concerned about the right things and Not the wrong things in this temporary life. Your end destination must concern you more than anything else. Where do you want to spend eternity? This must concern you.
Many are only concerned about the wrong things in life. Their priorities are Not right. They are Not concerned about their end destination at all. I Know every heart, all motives and thoughts. Many live their lives as if they are going to live forever in the world. They do Not realize that this life they live now is only temporary and no one knows how much time they have left. Every day many are dying, some suddenly and unexpectedly. This is why you must be concerned about your destiny.
Be concerned to be part of My Everlasting Kingdom. Not everyone who Says to Me, Lord, Lord will Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom. I will Say to many on that Day, Go Away, I never Knew you, you who work iniquity. The unrighteous will Not Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom. Do Not be deceived. Be concerned and mend your ways. Work out your own Salvation with Me in Fear and Trembling. It is all about Me, I Am The only Way, The Truth and The Life. I will allow you Entrance into Heaven or Refuse you. Be concerned if I Am Pleased with you and if I will Find you Worthy to Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom, or you will be disappointed and only have yourselves to blame. Be wise and Not foolish.