
What is DPN And How To Get Rid Of Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra | ClearSkin, Pune | (In HINDI)

What is DPN  And How To Get Rid Of Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra | ClearSkin, Pune | (In HINDI) Have you heard of dermatosis papulosa nigra or DPN? Do you want to know about DPN?

DPN or dermatosis papulosa nigra is nothing but the pigmentation. These are black or brown spots. This pigmentation appears in African, Asian, Indian, or Polynesian people. But, it is more common in the African population. The risk of developing this condition is more in African Americans. It is more common in women than in men.

What are the causes or triggers of DPN? And how can it be treated?

DPN is a type of pigmentation. The small, round-shaped bumps appear on your skin. Usually, they appear on your Cheek, Eyes, Forehead, Neck, Chest, and Back. Usually, these bumps are not harmful or dangerous. But, treatment is necessary when these spots become itchy and irritate your skin.

Their size ranges from 1 to 5 millimeters. As you age, the size of these bumps also increases. Initially, these bumps are very smooth. But, they start getting rough over time.

What is DPN? and What are the causes of DPN?

50 percent of people have DPN because of genetic predisposition. If your mother, father, brother, sister or any family member in your family is suffering from DPN, then there is a possibility that you might get it. Sometimes, it can also be due to aging. Generally, these spots develop after puberty and begin to grow over time.

Some people also believe that defects in hair follicles can be the cause of DPN. By the way, DPN spots are easy to diagnose. There is no need to do any tests for this. However, in some cases, a biopsy may need to be done where doctors take a sample of the affected area of ​​your skin and examine it under the microscope.

See, Dermatosis papulosa nigra is not a dangerous condition. But it can get worse with age. In such cases, it is necessary to treat these spots on time. Some people feel low-confident because of the appearance of these spots.

Therefore, many people want to get rid of DPN for aesthetic reasons. The appearance of these spots can be reduced to a great extent with the help of modern medical treatments.

What are the treatments used to treat DPN? There are different surgical or laser treatments are used to reduce DPN spots. The surgical method consists of procedures like scissor excision, shave excision, curettage, Electrocautery, Cryosurgery, Electrocautery, and electrodesiccation.

1) Scissor excision: In this technique, the doctor removes your DPN spot very carefully with small forceps and curved scissors.
2) Shave excision: In this method, DPN bumps are cut with the help of a small blade. It does not require stitches.
3) Curettage: In this treatment, bumps are scrape with a small scooping instrument.
4) Electrocautery: In this, bumps are burned with the help of electric current.
5) Cryosurgery: In this treatment, bumps are freeze with liquid nitrogen.
6) Electrodesiccation: In this method, DPN bumps are removed by dehydrating the superficial tissue of your skin.

So these were the surgical treatments used to treat DPN. But they can cause scarring. Moreover, these treatments cannot prevent new bumps. Laser treatment is another method to treat DPN where different wavelengths and frequencies are used.

1) Carbon-dioxide laser: This laser therapy is effective for removing DPN spots. And also it quite safe. The chances of DPN reappearing after CO2 treatment are also very low.

2) Nd: YAG lasers: Where the wavelength of 1064 nm is used. This is a very safe treatment for dark skin. This prevents the blood supply for DPN bumps. And prevents their growth. It is a slightly painful treatment. It can also have minimal side effects.

3) KTP laser: Potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) crystal is used in this method. Many times KTP laser is combined with Nd YAG laser to treat DPN, to get its best results.

So these were the treatments that are used to treat DPN. These treatments depend on the size and severity of your spots. These treatments differ from person to person. The same treatment is not effective for everyone. Hence, different treatments have to be used. Apart from this, taking good care of the skin along with the treatments is very important. You can prevent DPN by taking the right treatment and following the right skincare routine.

What is DPN?

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वीडियो देखने के लिए धन्यवाद What is DPN And How To Get Rid Of Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra | ClearSkin, Pune | (In HINDI)

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