
Unique Stuff You'll Only Find In Russia

Unique Stuff You'll Only Find In Russia If we told you that there's some unique stuff in Russia, you would probably say, "Well, of course." But you likely have no idea exactly how unusual some of those things are, and not just Moscow's famed cat circus. Here are some of the strangest things you can find in the frozen tundra that we call Russia.

In the United States, some parts of Europe, and even Japan, for the small price of roughly one month's salary, you can take your kids to a magical fantasy land full of princesses and pirates. Disneyland and Disney World are those ultimate childhood destinations, where kids can come as close to real magic as possible.

Russian kids can have a similarly magical experience at a place called Patriot Park. Except that there are no princesses or pirates at this freakishly disturbing "Military Disneyland." Instead, at Patriot Park, kids get to see real Russian tanks and play with grenade launchers, which is surely a skill that every parent hopes their child will one day possess. Patriot Park has been described as basically Vladimir Putin's very expensive early-indoctrination program for Russian schoolchildren. Get them fascinated by weapons of war at a young age, and they'll grow up to be okay with blowing stuff up in the name of Russian military glory. In a way, it's genius, and cheaper than Disneyland, as you can buy a ticket for roughly one-twentieth the price of a one-day ticket to the magic kingdom.

Watch the video for more Unique Stuff You'll Only Find In Russia!

#Russia #Lenin

Military Disneyland | 0:17
Lenin's dead body | 1:29
Walking dead Buddhist monk | 2:28
Baby-making holiday | 3:28
Enema monument | 4:22

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