
SYANGJA VISIT 2020 | Tourist areas and Local Traditions | Pro Rad Deep Package

SYANGJA VISIT 2020 | Tourist areas and Local Traditions | Pro Rad Deep Package Aafnai Online is a Youtube platform where we try to present to our audience, varieties of programs by different personalities. It is run by a couple, Pradeep Bastola and Amrita Khanal, who do Vlogs and are known as "Pram."

PRD package (PRO RAD DEEP) is basically a video log where the host Pradeep Bastola, (i.e me,) features a story. Everyone/ Everything has a story, It just takes someone to tell. There are so many different and unique ways of telling a story. I am just exploring the power of three: The Mind, The Heart and The Body! For now you may say/ see The Video, The Audio and The Text!

I Hope I can relate to as many people as I can. If not, I am enough and unique in myself And So, is everybody. Let''s admit and hit it!

Much love from the bottom of my heart to those who care for me and my family.

This featured video covers some drone footages of Syangja, along with a brief introduction in voice over. Moreover, we have also shown some local traditions and lifestyle in the Vlog.

Camera : Amrita Khanal
Drone / Voiceover/ Edit : Pradeep Bastola

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