![Splatoon 2: Slow start accelerates in Splat Zones [15(5)-6, Tri-slosher Nouveau] Splatoon 2: Slow start accelerates in Splat Zones [15(5)-6, Tri-slosher Nouveau]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PT7RC5967kw/maxresdefault.jpg)
I could try to ink our turf back, but I don't want to get caught by the pinklings pushing high, so instead try to steal around the back to hit them by surprise. Evil inkling notices and almost stops me, a spot of luck keeping me going, and I can destroy another Beakon and start inking from behind. If I had ink. At least my squidmates are doing well to splat the pink team away, and hopefully we can start the recovery.
As my squidmates push forwards, I tidy up behind, and now it looks like we've turned things around. But the pinklings return, and despite restricting their room to manoeuvre, they overrun us pretty quickly. Still, they restrict their attention to the Splat Zones to start with, letting us out-manoeuvre them, as turf control allows, and my squidmates turn the Splat Zones green again soon enough.
I return quickly, and patrol the flank, stopping evil squid, and not destroying the Beakon that hasn't been replaced. Coming from behind, I decide to send a Splat Bomb in to the middle of a Suction Bomb Rush instead of myself, which does the trick, and I stay in front of the Splat Zones to keep some pressure on. That goes well until I spot a pinkling heading down the blind corridor, and rather than ambush them I jump in to their shooting. Still, we have the lead, which is good.
Our left flank is looking a bit pink again, a Beakon back in place, but I kinda fall through a grate trying to get there, so make the best of the situation as I can. When it seems clear, I carry on with my plan, bluffing the N-ZAP '83 nicely with sloshing one way and Splat Bombing the other, before getting to the Beakon and launching a well-earned Ink Storm. My squidmates have captured the Splat Zones again, so I tidy up the corridor and the boxes, before checking the flank. Someone's coming, and they are better at throwing Burst Bombs than I am at hiding in cover, it seems.
The Splat Zones may turn pink, but the surrounding turf remains a nice green for now, so I head straight for where the turf is wrong, and apply some pressure. Along with my squidmates, we push the pinklings back, right until they throw a B-bomb behind me. I'm a bit disappointed with myself for leaving myself in such a position, but also that my Splat Bombs didn't hit the Dualies. So it goes.
And now the pinklings' confidence is returning, the Dualies moving to flank us, Beakon and all. I ignore them, an annoyance but nothing to do with the Splat Zones, and simply cover their path, and destroy their Beakon, on the way to the Splat Zones, where I try to take a more measured approach to inking and splatting, given that time is running out and extra time looms. I get one splat, which is good, but my Splat Bomb, whilst nicely rolled, is drop-rolled away from. Now the battle is coming to a head.
The pinklings chuck what they have at the Splat Zones, and we try to counter. I stop a Suction Bomb Rush, but more ink is coming, and seemingly faster than we can cover it. I try to keep both sides in check, and with a couple more splats, finally manage to wrest control away from the pinklings, in time to save the battle. But it was close. Woomy!