
Inch-Feats 03: C3D - Advanced Level CTD and Double-Inch for a Double

Inch-Feats 03: C3D - Advanced Level CTD and Double-Inch for a Double C3D - Carl's Three Double-Feats. Finally my best grip feat up to now!
A grip challenge I set to myself: a double INCH lift, a double CoC #3 TNS close and a double 20kg York shallow dish plate hub lift combined in less than 60 seconds!

I had this in my mind since I completed IronMinds Crused-to-Dust-Challenge (CTD or C2D) in 2016, but with all the bending and bouldering I never found the time to really go for it. According to IronMind their CTD covers three benchmark grip feats: 90kg on the #RollingThunder, 20kg on the IronMind #Hub and a CC-close of a #Captain-of-Crush #2 gripper. But to be honest: the #2 is way too weak, to be a "benchmark". Back in the day, with the old slippery hub, the 20kg hublift was the hardest of the 3 feats. But nowadays, with the very cool new hub model, 20kg are too easy also. So the CTD is more or less a Rolling Thunder certification, but a good goal to aim for nonetheless. Immediately after I did it, I thought about the "next level" with similar feats to test ones crush-, pinch- and thickbar-strength, but more leveled out.

For me, THE most iconic and most important grip feat, which really separates the men from the boys and has a great history also, is an INCH lift.

I am not a big gripper fan, but to table-no-set-close a #Captains-of-Crush #3 gripper (or higher), is something that impressed me, since I first learned about the CoCs.

For the pinch-event I picked a plate hub lift, to stay in line with IM's CTD. As the oldschool York plates are pure beautys and the hub lift is a classic benchmark grip feat also, the choice was easy! The shallow and deep dish plates have totally different hubs, but are in the same category of difficulty to lift. As I only own a pair of shallow dish plates, they made the cut for me. If you want to repeat this challenge, feel free to choose which plates suit you best. (York Fitness plates are not an option of course!)

I know that some guys out there train their thickbar game only with one hand and their crush only with their other hand. Which makes sense in preparation for a contest... maybe... BUT for me, if you want to master a feat and master it in the best style, you should be able, to perform it left and right. That's the reason I did my #3 cert left and right and the CTD also. And the king of styles is the double feat without a doubt! So my goal was to perform all three benchmark events (true benchmarks!) as double feats one after another in less than a minute.

As you can see, the C3D is some kind of an ADVANCED level CTD. I am sure, there is room for an EXPERT level CTD challenge as well. But this is in the territory for the mutants out there...
After half a year of dedicated training (I made the decision to go for it on my birthday last year), I was finally strong enough to finish this challenge last sunday! Fun fact: the double INCH lift in this challenge was DIL No. 50 in total for me!

Second clip is a "Double" for a double. First German to perform an Inch-Double-Lift for reps.
Double INCH lifts number 52 and 53 in total for me.

HeavyGripTools Inch80 and GladiatorPower Inch76.

Because #youcantfakestrength
#oldschool #oldschoolstrength #gripfeat #oldtimestrongman #grip #gripsport #gripstrength #griffkraftdeutschland #griffkraft #unliftable172 #Underground #UndergroundGripGermany #gripsportig #INCHlift #doubleINCHlift #hublift #thomasinchdumbbell #thisweekingrip


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