
Government, political, law enforcement, and often religious ignorance is real

Government, political, law enforcement, and often religious ignorance is real I'm usually "ranting" to my Facebook viewers, then I just transfer it on over to Youtube. 8 1/2 yrs in the US Marines help me understand strategy and aid that can change the course of a people/area. My military time and documentation helped me see this US leadership/political system is ignoring many methods of programs, aid, funding, and/or initiatives, that would drastically decrease violence, drug use, mental health problems, and more.

I began noticing how many religion groups, politicians, law enforcement, and certain government branches all ignore the root cause of many issues, while they focus on the condition produced by the root issue. This has proven to be a tactic that recycles crime, criminals, drugs use, violence, poverty, and the lost mind that help reproduce such crime and immoral acts. #ByDesign #StayWoke #WakeUp #GovmentVoldemort #Merica


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